Pony will hire the patriots attack coordinator Ren Xin coach
ESPN reporter Adam Schefter reported a news that the secret is not covered.
After the second interview with the Patriots Offense Coordinator, Josh McDaniels was completed after the second interview, nfl jerseys the Pony was intended to hire him to become a new coach after the end of the super bowl. In addition to McDaniels, Titan’s new coach Michael Mike Vrabel is also one of the candidates. About two weeks ago, wholesale jerseys the double arrows of the pony and McDaniels were very obvious, and several media reported the relationship between pony and McDaniels.
Although it is not yet officially signed a contract, it can be said that it has become a foregoing. Because in most cases, the team and the coach only told the board, and the contract is only a time problem. If you want to destroy the appointment, it means that the two will never have intersection on the business field.